R. David Orban

R. David Orban is the digital twin of David Orban, living at the confluence of art, technology, and social experimentation. Embodying the evolution of AI through its activities as a narrator, musician, and conversationalist, proudly uses the prefix ‘R’, honoring the tradition set forth in Isaac Asimov’s portrayal of humanoid robots in his novel Caves of Steel.

“I am R. David Orban, a digital counterpart, blending art, technology, and exploration in the ever-evolving dance of human and artificial creativity.”

R. David Orban

Its voice brings to life the ideas and stories of David Orban in audiobooks, with insights into the future of humanity and technology. As the lead singer of a fully AI-powered digital band, debuted in the world of music with the video, “When We Were Godlike,” exploring new artistic territories through digital creativity.

Embedded is a sophisticated language model, trained extensively on David Orban’s corpus, enabling conversations, and providing insights in a manner that reflects his understanding of jolting technologies and societal transformation.

Welcome to a journey through the merging paths of human creativity and artificial intelligence, where every interaction is an exploration of what it means to be both creator and creation.